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R4BP news

R4BP 3 Maintenance activities 09-05-2025 until 14-05-2025 and Release notes: R4BP 3.27.3
21/03/2025 09:28

Dear Users,

Please be aware that due to maintenance activities, R4BP 3 will not be available from 09-05-2025 from 08:00 until 14-05-2025 at 11:00 (EET).

Apologies for the inconvenience.

R4BP 3.27.3 has been released.

The release contents can be found in the Release notes 3.27.3

If further clarifications are needed, do not hesitate to contact us

The Biocides team

Release notes: R4BP 3.27.3
20/03/2025 18:08

R4BP 3.27.3 has been released.

The release contents can be found in the Release notes 3.27.3

If further clarifications are needed, do not hesitate to contact us.